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The top ten selling book ‘Censored History’ has been ‘censored’ by Amazon. There are hundreds of censored historical books that provide an entirely different history of WWII and communism. A history distinct from that which were all taught in school, university and via endless Hollywood movies. Mark-Gerard Keenan summarises a vast history that has been censored out of the mainstream circulation. We were all born into a lie – a systematized delusion based on a false premise. A false history spun by the powers that orchestrated the wars, funded genocidal communism, and were the real victors of the war. The book pursues the truth amidst the darkness of a hidden history, and explores complex and sensitive historical topics. Almost 100 million men, women and children on both ‘sides’, mostly from white Christian countries, were the real victims whose stories are largely forgotten by a society that has been subjected to lies.
Is the world private banking cabal orchestrating these wars? Many authors assert that genocidal communism was a Jewish-funded Talmudic assault against the white Christian race, and all non-Jews – is this really true? What is the true story about the Zionist state of Israel? and what is the role of the Jesuits and the Vatican in the so-called new world order? A cartel that controls the money creation process has been pushing a dominator matrix of war and control, along with a perverted atheistic ideology. This book provides evidence this dictatorship spans not only a brutal censored history, but also controls the corporate media, international politics, government funded education, the UN, and the story of institutional religion itself.
This partial screen shot of the book Censored History on – click below
Censored History top ten selling book on Amazon – screenshot on
taken in mid-August 2024 shows the book sales ranked in the top 20 in 3 separate Amazon book categories. That was until Amazon objected to the book’s “subject matter” and quickly BLOCKED the sale of this book; and suspended my entire Amazon KDP book selling account.
If you think what happened in WW2 is what is portrayed in Hollywood movies you are unfortunately very mistaken. (Who owns and controls Hollywood? To find out click HERE) The truth about WW2 is heavily censored. Below is the email I received from Amazon’s content review team.
The paperback and hardback versions that were available on Amazon until August 20th 2024 are now BLOCKED on Amazon.
Purchase the book Censored History in E-book format HERE
A large collection of historical books is available in an archive. These censored books by historians, academics, journalists and researchers over the past 70 years are not taught in the schools and universities of today. These books provide overwhelming evidence, and detailed testimonies, that the version of history we have been taught in school and on TV about WWII is not the true story. The books are posted for historical and research purposes only.
This information in this archive deals is addressed to those individuals who are capable of objective thinking without emotional bias. Persons who are not capable of objectivity or are unwilling to disturb their mass-media-created mental and ideological conditioning by facing displeasing facts should never read books or information that disturb them emotionally. The reader has been warned.
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