Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability

Written by Mark Keenan, Former scientist at the United Nations Environment Division; and at Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK.

Table of contents for this new book is below.

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The book covers many topics including:

Climate change deception and other deceptive UN/WEF/WHO narratives
Manmade climate change is a convenient lie – it is not caused by CO2 or methane from cows
Deceptive narratives on covid-19, UN agenda 2030, climate change, and the WEF reset
The modern green movement is far removed from the original principles of environmentalism
Rothschilds hijacked the real environmental movement creating the fake climate change agenda
Renowned scientists that have demolished the fake climate change hysteria
The UN IPPC cherry picks data and uses flawed modelling
Financialization of the world economy based on a life-killing net-zero emissions strategy and key players that promoted the climate crisis agenda
The Chicago Climate Exchange and the trillion-dollar money-generating hoax
Renewable energy is not a viable solution to the world’s energy problems
The nonsense of electric cars
The failure of the industrial agriculture ‘green revolution’
Desertification – UN incorrectly state that animal livestock is a cause – it is actually the solution
What is the UN really?
Real environmentalism was hijacked by deceptive UN political schemes
True objectives behind the UN 17 ‘New Sustainable Development Goals’
Agenda 21/2030 is an agenda of control – it is the opposite of real sustainability
The WEF ‘reset’ attempt – sold as a solution to climate change and covid-19
Geo-engineering and the technology they use to pollute the skies
The climate hoax required a single controlling world influence
1913 – 2019: Private banking control and the corporate super-entity
Sustainable development is a problem wrapped up as a solution – what about the real sustainability challenge?
Globalisation – a destructive paradigm
The flaws of the GDP growth system
Contemporary economics is a flawed ideology / pseudo-science
Systemic problems, oil dependency, end of growth, and collapse
Modern day attempts to scientifically define ‘real’ sustainability
A sustainable retreat – creating resilient local systems
A sustainable retreat is needed not so-called ‘UN sustainable development’
Is it possible to re-align the current ‘system’ toward ‘real’ sustainability
Sustainability or Collapse? – the risk of societal collapse
Resilience planning and creating sustainable communities/regions
The bio-char solution to soil management and desertification
Re-discovering the power and dynamics of horses
A transition to a gift economy? – the moneyless manifesto
Vedic communities and ancient knowledge for thriving in balance with nature
Rediscovering the splendour of ancient Vedic forest villages
Ancient Vedic culture – a thriving God-conscious society in balance with nature
A Vedic perspective on the importance of cows in self-sufficient communities
Consciousness and dharma in a spiritual civilisation of wellbeing for all
A metaphorical ‘mountain of success’ – a ‘successful society of higher quality’
The wisdom of E.F. Schumacher
The trap of the materialistic illusion
Beyond material consciousness
Are humans capable of ‘real’ sustainability?
Transcending the world power game – a Vedic perspective

  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 314 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8846528925
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.52 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7 x 0.71 x 10 inches

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